Project of the Month

„Ergonomic improvement by Human-Machine-Interaction“


· Increased sickdays or Workmen Compensation Insurance cases by workers

· Difficulties to recruit workers requiring ongoing heavy lifting

· Systems of job rotation leads to lower productivity


Project Benchmarks

83 %

(5 out of 6 operators gave a positive feedback)

Achieved labor savings

- 15 %

Staging of material, order picking or packaging processes is under the same time pressure for productivity and through-put time as production processes do.

Additionaly, these processes include often of lifting and lowering of significant weight. In the long-term such strains will lead to work related injuries.

Inteligent „power suit“ or exoskeletons combine advantage of a human worker with machine power, by supporting and / or strengthening the worker actively, wearing the apperatus.

Besides the reduced risk of injuries due to long-term exposure to strenous work, these exoskeletons also increase productivity and reduce errors.

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